Thursday, September 11, 2008

So I've really been dragging this week. Being sick will do that to a guy. First of all last weekend was ok but not the greatest. See, there was nothing technically wrong with it but I set my sights to high. I went out Friday night with a bunch of friends to the hill (the bars next to campus) Now I always have it in my head that I'm going to bump into some random girl and we will fall madly in love and live happily ever after, naturally this never happens. So my drunken self gets more and more withdrawn from the group until I just walk back to the dorm and fall asleep, feeling rejected.

Also she's in my dreams every night lately, it's really cutting into my sleeping time, I really think there needs to be a final meeting between the two of us, to get some finality out of things...


Marty said...

It's still haunting you, eh?

Seems like some ghosts just don't leave well enough alone.

I wouldn't bank on a final confrontation though...

Unknown said...

dude, i feel ya.

it's ok to run away from them... for a little while.